髱呈惠驥取椌 譁ー菴懃沿逕サ螻 “Plasmolysis” @GALLERY HASHIMOTO縲Noe Aoki縲New prints show
シ托シ呈怦シ墓律繧医j譚ア譌・譛ャ讖九ョ繧ョ繝」繝ゥ繝ェ繝シ繝サ繝上す繝「繝医↓縺ヲ縲髱呈惠驥取椌 譁ー菴懃沿逕サ螻輔訓lasmolysis縲阪′蟋九∪繧翫∪縺励◆縲ゆケ縺励カ繧翫ョ迚育判螻輔→縺ェ縺」縺滉サ雁屓縺ョ菴懷刀縺ッ縲∝ア戊ヲァ莨壹ョ繧ソ繧、繝医Ν縺ァ縺ゅk縲訓lasmolysis縲搾シ医励Λ繧コ繝「繝ェ繧キ繧ケシ峨す繝ェ繝シ繧コ縺ョ驫迚育判縺ィ縲√梧。隨ヲ縲搾シ医→縺縺オシ峨→蜷堺サ倥¢繧峨l縺滓惠迚育判繧キ繝ェ繝シ繧コ縺ァ讒区舌&繧後※縺縺セ縺吶
縲朱搨譛ィ驥取椌 譁ー菴懃沿逕サ螻 “Plasmolysis”縲2015蟷エ12譛5譌・ 窶 2016蟷エ1譛16譌・シ12譛20譌・縲1譛4譌・ 莨大サ奇シ
繧ョ繝」繝ゥ繝ェ繝シ繝サ繝上す繝「繝縲譚ア莠ャ驛ス荳ュ螟ョ蛹コ譚ア譌・譛ャ讖3-5-5 遏「驛ィ繝薙Ν 2F縲tel : 03-5641-6440
On 5th Dec., Noe Aoki窶冱 new print show 窶弃lasmolysis窶 started at GALLERY HASHIMOTO in Higashi-Nihonbashi, Tokyo.
This show is held after four years as her print show. The prints consist of a etching series 窶弃lasmolysis窶 and a series of woodcut 窶弋oufu窶.
Though these two series were made in the same period of this year, those characteristics are so contrastive in materials, textures and colors.
For these prints, many deferent technique and materials were used, such as a special kind of etching ツtechnique ツ窶彡arborundum窶, straight etchings and spit-bite withツChine-Collテゥ, water-besed and oil-based woodcut. It could be said that these variable techniques and materials drew out her contrastive sides.ツ
The show will open till 16th Jan.
GALLERY HASHIMOTO縲2F Yabe bldg., Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo縲phone : +81-3-5641-6440