Emiko Kasahara


譛ャ譚・縲∝喧邊ァ縺ィ縺ッ菴戊縺九↓縺ェ繧阪≧縺ィ縺吶k陦檎ぜ縺ァ縺ゅj縲∽ココ鬘槫ュヲ逧諢丞袖縺ァ縺ョ蜆蠑冗噪隕∫エ縺悟ス鍋┯縺ゅk縲ゅ@縺九@縺ェ縺後i縲∽ク也阜逧縺ェ迚ゥ雉ェ荳ュ蠢荳サ鄒ゥ縺ョ迴セ莉」縺ァ縺ッ縲∝喧邊ァ縺ィ縺縺陦檎ぜ縺ョ荳ュ縺ォ縺ッ縲∬ェ蛻繧偵≠繧句膚蜩∽セ。蛟、縺ォ鬮倥a繧医≧縺ィ縺吶k雉譛ャ荳サ鄒ゥ逧谺イ譛帙b蠑キ縺丞ュ伜惠縺吶k縲 縲縺薙ョ縺翫ウ縺溘□縺励>謨ー縺ョ繝槭ル繧ュ繝・繧「縺御ス懊j蜃コ縺呵牡蠖ゥ縺ョ螟牙喧縺ョ髢薙↓縲√f繧九d縺九↓豬ョ縺九ウ荳翫′縺」縺ヲ縺上k繧ゅョ縺ッ縲,URE-豐サ逋-繧貞セ縺、遘√◆縺。閾ェ霄ォ縺ョ蟋ソ縺九b縺励l縺ェ縺縲 繝槭Ν繝√励Ν菴懷刀縲

1999蟷エ縲瑚コォ菴薙ョ螟「縲搾シ井コャ驛ス蝗ス遶玖ソ台サ」鄒手。馴、ィ縲∵擲莠ャ驛ス迴セ莉」鄒手。馴、ィシ牙コ螻 莠ャ驛ス蝗ス遶玖ソ台サ」鄒手。馴、ィ蜿手鳩

This multiple work “MANUS-CURE” contains 1050 colors of real nail polish and also their names. As in a dictionary, the names are in alphabetical order, and like a color sample book, are put together with the color specimens.
The 30 pages of colors and also a drawing in theimage of the Virgin Mary’s hands, are installed in a polished metal box. At first, as you open the box you will see your own face as though you are about to start making-up.
The word manicure consists of two words, manus and cure which have there origines in latin. Manus means hand and according to Roman law, indicated the right of the husband over the wife. Because the hand is an indispensable part of the body when human beings create things, it became a symbol of power and authority. However, cure means care and healing. The word made from these two words, “MANUCURE” points to a kind of cosmetic, i.e. the paint for hand nails.
Among innumerable cosmetics on the market, the nail polish has the most brilliant and rich variation of colors, and each color has a different name. Food, landscape, emotions, sex… the sheer breadth of expression is beyond our imagination. Looking carefully at all of those colors and their names, we can notice the flexibility of the images and hence, the many kinds of desires and impulses of mankind.
Originally, the act of making-up was used as a means of becoming somebody else, and this act can be traced to ceremonial elements within anthropology. However, in modern times, under the global influence of materialism, the act of making-up shows an apparent capitalistic desire to increase our own commercial value.
The lasting images therefore that move in and out of these countless colors of changing nail polish may in fact be our own figures who are longing for the CURE.

Exhibitions: 1999 “Visions of The Body-Fashion or Invisible Corset”,The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan,
Also traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan

Collection: The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan


Mediumシ哺ixed media multiples on paper
Project descriptionシ1050 nail colors on polyester films pieces mounted on 30 museum boards

Editionシ18, A.P. : 3, P.P. : 2, B.A.T. : 1

sheet sizeシ470テ370mm

priceシ壹♀蝠上>蜷医o縺帙¥縺縺輔>/Please contact us.




Emiko Kasahara


縲薫ffering縲阪→縺ッ雉ス驫ュ縲∝ッ莉倥∝ッ騾イ縲∝万謐ィ縺ョ縺薙→縺ァ縺吶ゅう繧ソ繝ェ繧「縺ョ譛牙錐縺ェ謨吩シ壹〒隨蜴溘′縺オ縺ィ逶ョ縺ォ縺励◆鄒弱@縺繧ェ繝悶ず繧ァ縲√◎繧後↓霑代▼縺縺ヲ縺ソ繧九→縺昴l縺 Offering Box シ郁ウス驫ュ邂アシ峨〒縺ゅ▲縺溘%縺ィ縺ォ鬩壹>縺溘%縺ィ縺後%縺ョ繝励Ο繧ク繧ァ繧ッ繝医ョ蟋九∪繧翫〒縺励◆縲
謨吩シ壹↓蜈・繧九#縺ィ縺ォ縺昴ョ Offering Box 繧定ヲウ蟇溘@蟋九a縲√▽縺縺ォ縺ッ縲∽ク也阜荳ュ縺ョ謨吩シ壹r蟾。繧翫∬ウス驫ュ邂ア縺ョ蜀咏悄繧呈聴繧顔カ壹¢繧九%縺ィ縺ィ縺ェ繧翫∪縺励◆縲

縺昴@縺ヲ Offering Box 縺ッ蜿イ荳頑怙螟ァ縺ョ螳玲蕗縺ィ蜈ア縺ォ縲∬ィ螟ァ縺ェ髮驥代す繧ケ繝繝縺ョ遯灘哨縺ィ縺励※荳也阜荳ュ縺ォ蠎縺後▲縺ヲ縺縺セ縺吶


繝繧ク繧ソ繝ォ繝励Μ繝ウ繝井ス懷刀縺ッ縲”Collection” 繧キ繝ェ繝シ繧コ60菴懷刀縲”Colligation” 繧キ繝ェ繝シ繧コシ比ス懷刀縲”Colony” 繧キ繝ェ繝シ繧コシ紋ス懷刀縺ァ縺吶 “Collection” 繧キ繝ェ繝シ繧コ60菴懷刀縺九i40轤ケ縺後Κ繧ウ繝上槭ヨ繝ェ繧ィ繝ウ繝翫シ繝ャ2014縺ォ縺ヲ蠖ォ蛻サ菴懷刀縺ィ縺ィ繧ゅ↓螟ァ隕乗ィ。縺ォ螻慕、コ縺輔l縺セ縺励◆縲

“Offering” refers to money offering, donation, contribution or charity. At a famous Italian church Emiko Kasahara saw by chance a beautiful object. When she looked at it more closely she was surprised to see that it was an offering box, and so it was the start of this project. When entering churches Kasahara began to observe the offering boxes. This lead to her visiting churches worldwide, and taking photographs of the offering boxes.

It goes without saying that the act of using oneセ不 own funds for others is based on one’s love for one’s neighbour. However, that is not only on an individual level but takes place within the space of the church, which means that in compensation for that deed, one could have peace after death and a ticket to heaven, or alternatively from now, the well-being of the rest of one’s life’s, and so it could be an act of entreating for some kind of security. As humankindセ不 universal sentiment it may well be a natural thing.

As a small device which accepts that individual deed the offering box , with the largest ever
religion, with two thousand years history, is spread throughout the world. That form is sculpted from exquisite stone or made into a metal box somewhat like a jukebox. Alternatively, it is not a box but is an opening made in a wall, or a bag or basket. The material and design vary according to the different origin of the Catholic , Protestant, and Eastern Churches, and whether in Europe, South America, Asia, Oceania, or Africa, as well as their climate, culture, traditions and customs. And occasionally their forms have a sexual connotation.

With the keyword “Offering” Emiko Kasahara has made the process of going around the world’s churches and collecting photographs, her project. The digital prints made this time are in a series of 60 entitled “Collection”, a series of four entitled “Colligation”, and a series of six entitled “Colony”.

“Collection” series

縲薫ffering縲阪ョ驕灘キ縺 boxシ育ョアシ峨》orsoシ亥濠霄ォ蜒-縺薙%縺ァ縺ッ螟ァ蝙九ョ繝昴せ繝育憾縺ョ繧ゅョシ峨 slitシ亥繧瑚セシ縺ソシ峨|asketシ医°縺費シ峨}late シ育堊シ峨↓蛻鬘槭&繧後∽ク隕ァ蠖「蠑上〒シ代Γ繝シ繝医Ν繧定カ縺医k繧キ繝シ繝医↓シ抵シ慕せ縺ョ蜀咏悄縺檎エ阪a繧峨l縺ヲ縺縺セ縺吶 60菴懷刀縺ァ蜷郁ィ1,500轤ケ縺ョ蜀咏悄縺檎エ阪a繧峨l縺ヲ縺縺セ縺吶

In the “Collection” series the “Offering” utensils are classified as boxes, torsos, slits, baskets and plates. As a viewing format there are 25 photographs presented on each sheet. There are 60 sheets in total and 1,500 photos in total.

mediumシ嗔hotograph(digital print)
paper縲シ喨-photo Kakita

sheet sizeシ1195テ968mm

Collection #1 Collection #2 Collection #3
Collection #01 Collection #02 Collection #03
Collection #6 Collection #7 Collection #13
Collection #6 Collection #7 Collection #13
Collection #27 Collection #33 Collection #35
Collection #27 Collection #33 Collection #35
Collection #42 Collection #57 Collection #60
Collection #42 Collection #57 Collection #60

“Colligation” series

縲薫ffering縲阪ョ驕灘キ縺 縺昴l縺ョ縺ゅk謨吩シ壹ョ諠譎ッ縺ィ蜈ア縺ォ謦ョ蠖ア縺輔l縺ヲ縺繧九す繝ェ繝シ繧コ縺ァ縺吶
In the “Colligation” series the “Offering” utensils have been photographed as a visual scene within the church.

mediumシ嗔hotograph(digital print)
paper縲シ喨-photo Kakita


Colligation.1 Colligation.3
Colligation #1

image sizeシ660テ495mm  sheet sizeシ680テ515mm

Colligation #3

image sizeシ560テ760mm  sheet sizeシ620テ820mm

Colligation.2 Colligation.4
Colligation #2

image sizeシ660テ495mm  sheet sizeシ680テ515mm

Colligation #4

image sizeシ560テ760mm  sheet sizeシ620テ820mm

“Colony” series

縲薫ffering縲阪ョ驕灘キ縺 縺昴%縺ォ縺繧倶ココ縲縺ィ蜈ア縺ォ謦ョ蠖ア縺輔l縺ヲ縺繧九す繝ェ繝シ繧コ縺ァ縺吶
In the “Colony” series the “Offering” utensils have been photographed with the people present.

mediumシ嗔hotograph(digital print)
paper縲シ喨-photo Kakita

image sizeシ428テ316mm   sheet sizeシ448テ336mm


Colony.1 Colony.2 Colony.3
Colony #1 Colony #2 Colony #3
Colony.4 Colony.5 Colony.6
Colony #4 Colony #5 Colony #6